Refocusing on our District Constellation with Research

We have had a lot of discussion around our School Improvement Goals in the past few weeks.  I thought it might be worth taking some time to reflect on our focus and the benefits it can bring to students.  I looked back to our district constellation that we explored at the Personalized Learning 2.0 Academy earlier this year.  The honeycomb cells identified are terms that we know and understand, but what does the research say?

I have been contemplating aligning Hattie’s research on Visible Learning for the past few months.  I wasn’t sure quite how to approach that.  By refocusing on our constellation, it seemed appropriate to explore what the research says about each honeycomb.  Keep in mind that the effect size of .40 signifies one year of growth.  What I have listed below are only some of the effect sizes that could be categorized in each area, but I selected the ones that seemed most meaningful. I think if we truly reflect on what we have implemented and what our next steps are, we will further ourselves in personalizing for our students.  If you are curious to read the definitions of each honeycomb cell, you can access a pdf version of the image below here.

Last week’s coaching blog entry focused on Reading Conferences.  The resource shared seemed to be an excellent tool to use for implementing conferences in any area.  Conferring is a key component to Proficiency Based Progress, but teachers and students can also integrate the topic of a student’s Learner Profile as you explore together student progress, sucesses and frustrations.  As we gain further understanding about Personalized Learning, we will hopefully see the blurred lines among these honeycombs and experience a classroom that truly empowers students.  Is it time to create or update your own constellation?

“Don’t wait for the stars to align, reach up and arrange them the way you want….create your own constellation.”   -Pharrell Williams

I would like to close with celebrating all of the wonderful implementation that I have witnessed across our district.  As we collaborate within and beyond our district about personalized learning, my takeaway is always that Kaneland and Kaneland teachers and students are doing great things.  The choice and voice that I have witnessed here is impressive.  Let’s keep the momentum going!  I can say without hesitation that I am proud to be a Knight!



Visible Learning (

Institute for Personalized Learning

KMSD Personalized Learning Look Fors

Weichel, M., McCann, B., & Williams, T. (2018). When they already know it: How to extend and personalize student learning in a PLC at work. Solution Tree Press.

Reading Conferences

I just unwrapped my new professional book “A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences: Grades K-8” by Jennifer Serravallo. Just barely a few chapters into this book, I have found there are so many valuable tips to reinvigorate reading conferences. Below are some of Serravallo’s tips:

What Conferring is:

  • a conversation with a student
  • a time to offer individualized instruction
  • a time to provide assessment based guidance
  • a  time to offer guided practice and feedback
  • a time to support student self reflection
  • a time to teach the reader

What Conferring IS NOT:

  •  a pop quiz
  • a time to reteach everyone the same lesson from the whole class lessons
  • a time to make random, off-the-cuff remarks
  • a time to do extensive modeling/demonstration
  • a lecture with an audience of one
  • a time for teachers to do all the talking
  • a time to teach the book

Now that you know what a conference is, the next step is to contemplate which kind of reading conference would be beneficial to your students.  Serravallo summarizes the different types of conferences, linked here, that could be structured in to your reading block.

Next, you are thinking what are the rest of my students doing when I am conferring with students? What makes our students better readers is the time to read. Research tells us that reading related activities such as comprehension question worksheets, phonics activities, memorizing sight words take up way too much time during the reading block. Instead  the students should be reading for sustained periods of time.

Serravallo recommends that following minutes children should be reading in school each day:


Grade Level Approximate Number of Minutes of In-Class Reading, Daily
  • 7 – 20 minutes: independent reading and conferring
  • 5 – 10 minutes: partner reading and conferring
First Grade
  • 15 -25 minutes: independent reading and conferring
  • 5 – 10 minutes: partner reading and conferring
  • 20 – 35 minutes: independent reading and conferring
  • 5 – 10 minutes: partner reading and conferring
Third through Fifth
  • 40 – 45 minutes: independent reading and conferring
  • 10+ minutes: twice weekly, subtract some time from independent reading to allow for partnership or club time and conferring.

This book is full of so many great tips and would be a great addition to your professional library. Let us know if the coaches can assist you in any way with your reading conferences.



Works Cited

Serravallo, Jennifer. A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences: Grades K-8. Heinemann, 2019.

The Value of Challenging your Students

Writing a blog at times can become a difficult thing. When you come up with a topic, you’re not always going to say the right thing and there are certainly people that are going to disagree with everything you say, or just have no interest. It is sometimes a risk that you take when choosing a topic- sometimes it comes off right, other times it doesn’t. The common theme here is that it can become a struggle. I’ve come to realize that if there was no struggle, what’s the sense of doing it? How will I learn? We learn from our mistakes, right?

Struggle is commonplace in education. We all experience it, so we must all have some interest in the topic. We see it in our classrooms quite a bit, with students and sometimes with ourselves. You might just see it in the everyday world as well. Just the other day I witnessed what I feel is a common form of struggle. I’m not saying that this happens all the time, but I have seen it on more than one occasion. And, I am quite sure that I’m not the only person that has experienced it, but it made me think about how we sometimes make things easy on our students and they don’t get the learning. Take a look and see if this sounds familiar to you.

I was placing my order at a fast-food restaurant when this transaction/conversation took place.

Cashier: “Your total is $8.37.” (I was hungry, alright?)

Me: Hands cashier a ten dollar bill.

Cashier: Punches ten dollar payment into the register.

Me: “Oh, wait, here’s the 37 cents.”

Cashier: “Um, hold on a second. I need to void this out and ring it up again.”

This just left me cringing inside. I wondered why this conversation was even happening. Why do people struggle with something that seems so practical? Has this employee ever been pushed to think outside the box? Have they only experienced surface level thinking? Were they part of an educational system that never allowed deeper thinking? Have they ever been challenged? Will they learn from this struggle or will the same thing happen with later ?

Challenging students to dig deeper can sometimes be difficult because we want our students to be successful. If the challenge becomes too difficult do they give up and question future challenges? We’re taught to learn from our mistakes, but not everyone enjoys taking this direction. We sometimes reach the barrier of, if we challenge too much, do our students just give up? It’s a tight line that we walk.

I recently stumbled across a book titled Faster Isn’t Smarter by Cathy L. Seeley that touches on this subject. The book discusses the recent trend in education, specifically in the United States, with messages about math, teaching, and learning in the 21st century. Seeley talks a great deal about how, “from an outsider’s perspective, American teachers are considered soft, that they don’t challenge their students to think critically.”

In Faster Isn’t Smarter, Seeley references a study completed by Jim Stigler and Jim Hiebert in The Teaching Gap where they mention that “when American teachers choose mathematically complex tasks, their teaching approach tended to remove the complexity and reduce the difficulty of the tasks.” It appears that maybe we’re “spoon feeding” our students so that the struggle diminishes. There comes a time when we need to stop showing our students how to solve a problem and allow them the opportunity to figure it out on their own. Maybe we just need to offer more challenges.

When we assign a task, how many times have we told a student how to do the problem or task? Are we teaching them that they will always need guidance whenever they are posed a problem? Are we babying them? There comes a point where our students need to start learning things on their own. Students need to struggle sometimes to figure things out and they need to learn from their mistakes. However, if we continue to do things for them they will be those same cashiers that void out their transactions.

Seeley explains this concept as “constructive struggling- the value of challenging our students.” When we pose problems or tasks to our students, we need to allow a struggle- we even need to accept failure. When teachers continue to supply information, and even do the tasks for their students, they seem to be doing more harm than good.

This reminds me of the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice that we were introduced to several years back. The initial standard (MP1) “Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them” really stands out when you reference “constructive struggling”.  When we’re supplying students with the necessary formulas or a step-by-step method, are they really learning anything? They might be getting their answer correct because we guided them, BUT are they really absorbing their learning?

So you ask, what exactly is “Constructive struggling”? Seeley identifies Constructive Struggling  as…….

-when students are given engaging yet challenging problems.

-when demanding, possibly time-consuming problems will likely provide more learning value than several shorter but more obvious problems.

-when presenting students with problems that call for more than a superficial application of rote procedure.

-when guiding questions are presented in a way that stops short of telling students everything they need to know to solve a problem.

“As students engage in the constructive struggling needed for some of these problems, they learn through perseverance, in-depth analysis, and critical thinking are valued in mathematics just as much as quick recall, direct skill application, and instant intuition”, Seeley continues. Mathematics is hard, as are other content areas. Sometimes students need to struggle to figure things out, especially when things are complex. Maybe the next time any of us are in that fast-food line we should take a minute and explain to that cashier how to problem solve.



Seeley, Cathy L., Faster Isn’t Smarter, Math Solutions, Sausalito, CA 2009 Standards for Mathematical Practice

Launching into Design Thinking

As I began to think about my blog post this week, I thought I may want to refocus on the “why.” Why are we in education? Why are we teachers/coaches/interventionists/administrators?

And then I started to do my own reflecting.  What was my “why” when I started out as a teacher?  How has that evolved throughout the last 14 years?

I started to think about how my own teaching career has had so many ups and downs.  How there were days I could take on the world and felt that I could teach anyone anything, and other days I wondered if I was going to be able to reach one kid in my room.  

As I continued thinking about the multiple highs and lows in my career, I found myself reflecting on the times that I have hit the proverbial fork in the road.  Those times created situations that looked a lot like this:

I would love to embrace chaos, but that is not my natural inclination. I know order and structure; I thrive in order and structure.  Yet, at multiple points in my life, I have been hurled into chaos and my five year plan tossed out the window. (Honestly, five years ago I was a high school English teacher in Sandwich, IL now I am elementary instructional coach in Kaneland)

So where (except the inner workings of my brain) am I going with this blog post? Innovation, change, growth, personalization, and teaching can often times look like chaos.  It is hard to tell where things begin and end, just like the line in the scribble above. It is hard to figure out if we are moving forward or just looping around again.

How do we move from the chaotic scribble, to a loopy line, to a solid direction?  For me, it took a process.

I found comfort in the midst of uncertainty by jumping into something called the design thinking process.  I was first exposed to this structure at the Learning Forward Conference in 2017.  While the session in December sparked my interest, it wasn’t until my life was thrust back into a mode of chaos that I decided to really give design thinking a try.  At the end of last school year, I was in a cycle where we were focusing on project based learning. I dove into the book Launch: Using Design Thinking to Boost Creativity and Bring Out the Maker in Every Student to help me coach but at the same time I began the design thinking process for my own life.  

I quickly clung to the fact that while things were messy at the moment, the framework I was reading about and engaging in gave me an opportunity to know what step I was in the process of and give me direction to head toward.  It granted me the permission to allow the beginning to be chaotic because I was taking productive steps to figure out how to come to my solution.

Design thinking is a structure that has been used for years.  John Spencer and A.J. Juliani took this idea, which is prevalent in the business world, and shifted the focus to how we can use this process with our students in the classroom in Launch: Using Design Thinking to Boost Creativity and Bring Out the Maker in Every Student. Teachers are guided in the book to help students move through seven phases.  These phases create structure in a messy process of creation for students, teachers, or anyone trying to solve a problem or innovate.

The Seven Phases of the Launch Cycle (partnered with the Design Thinking terms) are:

Phase 1: Look, listen and learn=Empathize It is all about taking the time to step into someone else’s shoes and begin to really view the issue from their perspective or multiple perspectives.  

Phase 2: Ask lots of questions=Empathize  Students work on developing and asking those tough questions that elicit productive answers.  This is a great time as a teacher to get into the world of QFT .

Phase 3: Understand the process or problem=Define After viewing a problem/situation from a variety of angles it is time to figure out what is the real issue or problem that needs to be solved.

Phase 4: Navigate ideas=Ideate  This is where true creativity can flow and students come up with all the possible solutions that they can.  During this stage there is no such thing as a bad option. By the end of this stage you want students to gain a focus and select one or combine a few ideas to get moving on.  

Phase 5: Create=Prototyping This is the time to get hands on and actually start working on making their ideas from the phase before a reality.   

Phase 6: Highlight and revise=Test We learn best through failure and this is the place where students acknowledge those failures and figure out how to grow from them.  Phases 5 and 6 may go back and forth for a while until the student has a solution that they are ready to move forward with.

Phase 7: Launch  Have students present, share, send, etc. their work to an authentic audience for their problem.  Allow this process to move outside the walls of your classroom and make an impact on the world.


Personalized learning can seem chaotic when you think only big picture.  The Launch Cycle can help you and students find a way to structure the process of personalization with an understanding of steps to take as you/they move forward.  This can ease that discomfort that can come with change, innovation, and growth.   

Back to where design thinking led me… I started my own educational consulting company this summer. I took the process step by step until I was able to launch my idea out into the “real world.”  Now my question is where will this thinking take me next? Or maybe more important, where will you let this process take you and your students?


Spencer, John, and A. J. Juliani. Launch: Using Design Thinking to Boost Creativity and Bring Out the Maker in Every Student. Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc., 2016

Let’s Connect!

“When we are connected to others, we become better people.”   -Randy Pausch

EC-5 Kaneland Twitter Chat Series on Personalized Learning  #PLbeforetheBELL

What a celebration that 35 Kaneland Staff members took time to experience our first district wide Twitter chat!  Kudos to KST with 15 contributing staff members! We had and incredible span of participants from experienced tweeters that have led their own Twitter chats to an individual who tweeted for the very first time.  Through this initial conversation, staff members shared topic suggestions related to personalized learning as well as scheduling options that will work best for them.



This idea evolved from the #20QPL chat that Nancy and Natalie hosted last spring.  In that chat Kaneland participants had conversations with educators across several states.  When we reflected on this process, we considered how we really wanted to be having these conversations with our Kaneland colleagues.  That is not an easy task when our school district spans over 140 square miles. There are so many questions to ask, answer and ponder.  Please consider this an opportunity for us to strengthen our understanding of personalized learning and support one another as we experience this journey together.


We will sort through all of the information provided from our launch chat and develop a series of chats that will allow all of you to connect and collaborate to grow your understanding and application of personalized learning.  We will post topics, as well as questions, ahead of time so that you can consider which chats are suitable for you.


With so many new to Twitter Chats, be on the lookout for a Lunch and Learn opportunity regarding the use of Tweetdeck, hosted by your Instructional Coaches.  Tweetdeck makes participating in a Twitter Chat so much easier. If you prefer to be an independent learner, here is a brief tutorial.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to a coach for technical support!


Still on the Fence? Why Twitter?

Twitter is one of the many social media options for people to reach out to friends, family, colleagues, and beyond.  I often hear people say they don’t have time for another distraction or don’t see the value in Twitter. However, Twitter offers opportunities to explore outside of our classroom, school, district, state, and even country.  I admit, when I created my account 5 years ago, I needed some real guidance. I started following people, but really didn’t know what to do, so I set it aside and didn’t really come back to it for about 6 months. It took me a while to figure out who to follow and how to make it useful, but once I did, I was astounded at the depth of learning that I have been able to experience on my own terms.  It was through participating in Twitter Chats that I was able to discover other educators outside of my Kaneland network, which in return, helped me bring more back to my Kaneland network of educators.


Twitter Tips for Success

Twitter is what you make of it.  It is not about keeping up with others or feeling left out It is about connecting with others, finding more colleagues who are like minded, and validating the hard work you do everyday.  Here are a few suggestions that have made Twitter more effective for me.


  • Allow your activity on Twitter to ebb and flow with your mood and activity level.  There is no pressure to be constantly checking on what is out there.


  • Keep your teacher account professional so that when you are on Twitter,you are in the frame of mind to connect with teachers.  On the flipside, other social media accounts, keep strictly personal. This helps create that work life balance by not intermingling the two.  Some people even prefer to have two separate accounts on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook so that they can keep their focus separate.


  • It is okay to just follow others and digest what is there.  You don’t have to post often to benefit from an educational Twitter account.


  • There are several educational hashtags that you can search to see what people are sharing. Linked below are some recommended Twitter Chats for educators, but you can simple search the hashtag at any time and it is as if you had been there.  It is almost like eavesdropping, but no one cares!


What Other Chats can I Explore?

If you are looking beyond Kaneland, participating in a chat with colleagues at your grade level or who have a similar interest could be extremely valuable.  Here is a list  from Scholastic of some recommended chats for educators.  If you have participated in a chat that you would highly recommend to your peers, please comment on this blog….and you might just find a delicious thank you heading your way!  Sharing is sweet!


Engaging Students – Total Participation Techniques

Total participation in the classroom – – every teacher’s holy grail!  According to Persida and William Himmele in their book “Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner,” there are a multitude of techniques that we can elect to use in the classroom. But before we can get there, we first need to know what exactly is their definition of total participation techniques. They define total participation techniques as: “teaching techniques that allow for all students to demonstrate, at the same time, active participation and cognitive engagement in the topic being studied.” You might be asking yourself — how can I get my students there? First, let’s take a look at the keys to creating  total participation techniques, classroom ready techniques that can be employed and the benefits of (TPT’s).

Keys to Creating a TPT Conducive Classroom:

  • Appreciate student differences – give students multiple opportunities to participate in class, show their strengths, and demonstrate their cognitive abilities.
  • Foster student collaboration – employ numerous groupings of students based on the activity and knowledge of your students.
  • Promote peer acceptance – create a safe and accepting learning environment for all students.
  • Higher order thinking questions and prompts– ask higher order thinking questions and don’t forget to give students time to process.
  • Grow confidence – always give positive feedback to students.
  • Build trust – do you believe your students are capable of learning? How do you show your students that you trust them?
  • Follow through – be an active presence in the classroom by asking questions, walking around and participating with students, redirecting students if necessary.
  • Move away from right/wrong – ask students to justify their responses based on learned content. Never ask a student why — instead use the phrase tell me more.

Now that you have the keys to having a TPT conducive classroom, here are a few, and know there are a plethora of other classroom ready TPT’s that you can employ. One key to success with the techniques listed below – – always remember that when phrasing your questions or prompts to students, make sure they require higher order thinking skills.

Classroom Ready TPT’s:

  • Turn and Talk – have students turn to their partner and discuss what has just been asked of them. Remember circulate through the group and you too become part of the discussion.
  • Quick Draws or Quick Writes – have students write or draw their understandings.
  • Line-ups – give students a discussion question (remember to give them time to process and think). Have students line up in 2 parallel lines and discuss with the person across from them. Repeat by having students take 2 steps to left so they can discuss with a new partner.
  • Networking session – prepare prompts ahead of time for discussion. Have students locate a partner to discuss responses with. After a few minutes have students find a new partner to discuss with.
  • True/Not True – create 4 cards for each student — 1.) true, 2.) not true, 3.) true with modifications, and 4.) unable to determine. Ask students a higher order thinking question and then have students hold up their card.

And finally, here are some of the benefits that can be realized by using TPT.


  • provides you with ongoing formative assessments
  • increased student participation
  • deeper learning and cognitive engagement
  • increased social connectedness

Should you wish to read more about this, fill out a coaching request or contact me and I will loan you my book by Himmele – –Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner.


Works Cited

Himmele Pérsida, and William Himmele. Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner. ASCD, 2017.

Knowing Your Learners

A couple years ago I received a letter from a former student that really hit home. I vaguely remembered this student (yes, I needed to pull out my old class photos just to remember the face) but for some reason he wanted me to know that I had a major impact on his life. This is the gist of what was shared:

“You asked me how I was doing almost EVERY day during a time when I was struggling at home. I wasn’t quite sure how you knew I was struggling, but I was. I was not getting along with my family and life for that matter……”

I was shocked and definitely a little teary eyed. I began to think more and more about my role in this student’s life. I tried to remember why I asked him this daily. Was I really that concerned?  Did I really have an impact like he had written? Did I treat all my students with this same concern? Do our students need us to know what is happening in their life? Was I just trying to get to know him? We have a major impact on our students’ lives. How do we make this impact? We talk to them and really get to know who they are.   

Image result for when they already know it

The book When They Already Know It by Mark Weichel, Blane McCann, and Tami Williams devotes a full chapter focusing on how to get to know the learners in your room.  You may have already heard of this book as it was mentioned as a book club option last week. The book takes a look at how to extend and personalize student learning. As a district we have taken the initial steps of knowing our learners with the use of the learner profile. It is a start for staff to get to know their students like never before.


What does it really mean to know your learner? Weichel, McCann, and Williams define it as “being able to identify, describe, nurture, and respond to their intellectual, social, and emotional characteristics.” When we get to know our learners we get to know what makes them tick, what excites and frustrates them, what makes them succeed, and so much more. The more that educators know about their students the more effective they can be in the classroom which allows them to guide their students and lead them to grow in their learning.

The district’s current vision is on the personalization of learning for our students. The importance of pursuing personalization in our schools cannot be effective unless we absolutely know our learners. We are in the midst of learning about our students through the use of the Learner Profile. This tool allows each student to reflect on different dimensions of who they are as a learner and create clarity on how they can advocate for his/her learning to his/her teacher. What are their interests, needs, frustrations, obstacles, and anything else that makes their learning easier? The Learner Profile allows us a better understanding of each one of our students. Weichel, McCann, and Williams reference some contributing factors in a Student’s Academic Profile that align directly to Kaneland’s Learner Profile.

Contributing Factors in a Student’s Academic Profile:

Strengths It is important that we focus on a student’s strengths and any talents they can utilize during their learning. So many times, specifically data driven meetings, our focus is on their deficits. It’s time we find the good in our students and see where that can take them. We do not have ‘average’ students- we have students that might be average in some areas, but each student has a strength that can raise them higher than others in the learning process.

Curiosities What are your students curious about? Have you ever asked them? Could you possibly share the same curiosities? By knowing what a student is curious about you can open their learning to a whole new world. Curious students tend to want much more than what is on the surface. These curiosities can grow into much bigger learning opportunities, not only for them but you as well. Do you often wonder about that?

Interests Curiosities and interests are very similar. With both you can connect your curriculum and a student’s interest and expand on extended learning. The key in finding out about interests and curiosities is to talk to your students. (See a trend forming?) Find out what drives your students, what they like to do outside of school? Can you connect your learning to their interests? The connection to students’ interests can lead you to a deeper understanding. How do their interests drive their learning?

Learning Styles Do your students require step-by-step instructions? Do they learn more when they are in control of their own learning? Do they only need guidance at the beginning of their learning? Do they work better in small groups? Large groups? Individually?  Are they a leader? Follower? Tailoring each students learning to how they learn best is essential for success. The key element is to find out how each student learns best.

Motivators Do your students need a teacher to praise them 24/7 or only when they need it? Does recognition drive your student? What about offering perks? Is their motivation personal? In many instances praising a student over and over again not only loses its luster, but can also tear a child apart. Other students that don’t receive the constant praising could somehow begin to resent those that receive praise all the time. What are your motivators? Is it possible your students could have the same motivator; or, is that what you think?

Energy Sources We are in a world where we cross paths with both extroverts and introverts on a regular basis. An extrovert will get their energy from others and will also produce energy. They like to be involved and definitely like to lead the charge! Many times they will voice their opinions with the confidence that they are right. Introverts on the other hand get their energy from themselves. They usually like to work alone or in very small groups, with people they know. They are constantly reflecting so they don’t regret their actions. As a teacher it is important to know where your students fall in this area. Making them perform a task that they are not comfortable with can sometimes harm an individual’s learning.

Many of these contributing factors are located in our students’ Learner Profile. Are we accessing this information to better improve our teaching? Are we using it to get the most out of our students? Do we continue to reflect on our own Learner Profile? Are we just using it to fulfill district implementation? It is important that we ask ourselves these questions so that we are giving our students the best learning they need. If you know your students’ profile, you definitely know your student!

A Final Thought

As you can tell, knowing your students has many benefits. Looking back on my own experience, I’m glad I asked that student how he was doing every single day. At the time I was just trying to engage a shy/quiet student in a conversation. I don’t recollect ever sensing his true feelings, but either way I am glad that I can say “I was able to be the lifeline for a student that was in need.” These students are our kids. Yes, we should invest our time in getting to know everything about them that we possibly can. If you don’t feel that you’ve had an impact, give it some time. Someday you will know when you’ve touched the life of someone. Just get to know your learners!



McCann, B., Weichel, M., Williams, T., 2018, When They Already Know It. Bloomington, IN, Solution Tree Press


Pick Your Jersey: Identifying Personality Types

At the end of my last blog post, Get Your Whistle, I mentioned I would be coming back to talk more about personality styles and here it is! But….


Before I head into specific personality styles, I wanted to take a moment to address labels. Just yesterday I was in a meeting and we were talking about a presentation where the speaker mentioned the need to “throw out labels!”  Labels box people in! They limit expectations! They act as excuses! My heart is thinking, “Yes”! I don’t want to limit anyone! Throw them away!

Later that day I headed to a data meeting. During that meeting, each student was discussed and there was the opportunity to identify students’ need.  Here teachers,interventionists, a psychologist, a social worker, and administration talk about the life situations that have come up that may be challenging that student.  Labels are placed on students and I am thinking, “Yes”! These students are going to get the services they need because we are identifying the strengths and challenges in their lives and doing something about it!

Labels. Can they be limiting? Yes. Are they helpful? Yes.

Labels are a necessity in education.  It is important that we can identify the strengths of our students and where they need more support.  We need to know what their home life is like so we can connect and support it in the learning environment.  We need to know if a student is a struggling reader or enriched in math. We need to know so that we can reach them and teach them appropriately.  We need those labels.

On the other hand, do not let those labels limit.  They are there to inform practice not set limitations or act as excuses when goals aren’t met.  Labels help us connect our own prior knowledge and be able to address situations in a more appropriate fashion. It is vital for me to know when I am pushing s student outside of his/her label and to add in that extra support to let them know that I am aware that this is going to be a challenge for him/her but I think he/she can do it. Labels are not excuses.


Personality Types

Jane Kise, in Differentiated Coaching: A Framework for Helping Educators CHANGE, asks for the reader to take a moment and sign your name with you dominant hand.  When you finish you are tasked with signing your name in your non-dominant hand. Try it.  

How did it feel to use your non dominant hand?  You could most likely still sign you name, but you most likely found it wasn’t as simple or natural as it was with your dominant hand. People are born with a natural preference for writing with their right or left hand.  You may practice and strengthen the ability to use the other hand, but naturally you prefer one hand over the other. Keep this activity in mind as you look at personality types.

Let’s go back to the core of this blog post.  Last month I wrote about the four coaching styles and went through a quick rundown of who may fit into each coaching style.  I discussed the need for teachers to step into the coaching role for their students as we move deeper into the world of personalized learning.  Today’s post is getting into more detail and giving you a better opportunity to label your students personality type as well as your own.

Look through the descriptions below to help guide yourself to identifying which personality type you may be and to start to identify what students in your room may have a natural preference for.  These are all from Differentiated Coaching: A Framework for Helping Educators CHANGE by Jane Kise.  I highly recommend reading the book for a more in depth look at the types and to utilize a professional type preference tool such as TypeCoach, MBTI, PPI, PTI, JTI, or GPTP (avoid anything free).

If you take the initial associated with each trait you will have the overall personality type. (Use for reference below)

Can you categorize some of your students? Can you identify what they may naturally prefer? What about for yourself? Remember, you want to coach your students in a way that fits their individual styles. This may be far from your style.  Being aware of what works for you is important to know for your own growth, but is also significant to note that is the way you most naturally approach coaching your students.

So now what?  What do you do with these labels?  How do these fit into coaching styles? Take a look at the chart below.  Kise’s created this chart to identify how each types likes to be coached.  Select one of the students in your class. See if you can use the chart above to estimate what his/her personality type is.  How do they need to be coached?

*Chart 7.5 found on p. 126 of Differentiated Coaching: a Framework for Helping Educators Change

Can you use this information to connect with a student you have been struggling to coach?  Can you use knowledge of your own personality type to inform a coworker about a way that you feel you could collaborate better? Can you change the way you approach working with a team member by looking and identifying what work best for their personality and finding a way to work with that? Acknowledging our own personalities, identifying the personalities of those around us, and being able to verbalize these needs/wants creates a situation where collaboration can occur. No personality is right and no personality is wrong, they all just need something a little different and knowing that is the first step to getting everyone involved to where they want to be.


Kise, Jane A. G. Differentiated Coaching: a Framework for Helping Educators Change. 2nd ed., Corwin, 2017.


How Does Reading Shape You as a Person?

I just love this essential question.  It defines for me how I have developed as a reader.  In my earlier years of education, I may not have even understood this question or even have been able to consider a response.  Today, reading really does shape me as a person. Many of us have explored how empathizing with characters molds us into being better people.  We are able to vicariously experience situations that allow us to see new perspectives. On the flip side, with informational text, research empowers us with knowledge.  Knowledge helps us make better decisions, plan appropriate steps of action in order to optimize time and resources, or avoid some potential mistakes.

While I have grown tremendously from reading, I don’t do all of the my learning from reading by myself.  Just as discourse is important in the classroom for student growth, it is important outside of the classroom for our own development. It is with a group of critical friends that I am able to come up with some of my best ideas. The word critical can have a negative connotation, however, here it is aligned with the definition that involves analysis: seeking merit and faults.  A critical friends group is a group of educators who gather to carefully inspect, discuss and evaluate current practices in an effort to make improvements.   This group of teachers can be of varied levels or assignments, but share a common interest in education.  The bonus is that these members are not only colleagues, but friends as well.

When I am with this group of educators, we talk, laugh, and wonder as we share heartfelt celebrations and concerns.  Currently, we are delving into a shared read: From Striving to Thriving: How to Grow Confident Capable Readers by Stephanie Harvey and Annie Ward.  It is in our discussion of this resource that this essential question was born. How Does Reading Shape You as a Person? Pondering this question is one that I could revisit regularly and continue to develop my answer.  If I were in a classroom today, this is a  question that would be an ongoing focus for my classroom all year long.

Currently, we work as  grade level teams, a building team, and a district team.  It is at times difficult to carve out time for ourselves and our own learning.  Maybe a critical friends group could be a way to connect on a personal and professional level with some colleagues.   We encourage you to reach out to other educators to create or enhance your professional network. It just may happen, however, that you have a potential group of critical friends right in front of you.  

If you are a Kaneland teacher interested in learning with those who support your educational beliefs, consider a book study together.  Listed here are a few sets of books that may be a perfect choice for you to get started. If you are interested, reply in the comments section of this blog post as to what title you and your group of four or less would like to read.  Also, kindly tell us how many copies you would like based on the numbers provided.  There is only one set of each title, and this is a first come, first served opportunity.  Please pay attention to what has already been claimed. In your comment, please identify the names of your group and the title you are requesting.  Your group will receive a confirmation email.  Happy reading!

When They Already Know it: How to Extend and Personalize Student Learning in a PLC at Work by Mark Weichel, Blane McCann, and Tami Williams

Students Taking Charge in K-5 Classrooms by Nancy Sulla

Building Executive Function: The Missing Link to Student Achievement by Nancy Sulla