Improving Classroom Discussion

I recently attended the Learning Forward Conference. This conference had a plethora of high quality sessions to choose from. Improving Classroom Discussion was one that sparked my interest since I felt it would be a good extension of the learning we did with Socratic Seminar last year, and to use to further our students discussions and learning across the curriculum. Jackie Walsh, the author of Quality Questioning: Research Based Practice to Engage Every Learner, and a number of other books on this subject led the session. Walsh shared her expertise in this area by leading us on a journey in the use of quality questioning for our classrooms.  

According to Walsh, in order to move our students learning in today’s classrooms, “it is necessary to move our thinking from viewing questions as prompts for the right answers to understanding questions as opportunities for surfacing and testing one’s own thinking and creating new perspectives with others.”

To accomplish this shift in the classroom, the teacher will move from controlling to supporting roles.  Below is a chart by Walsh that explains how you can change your practice and help you on your journey in making the shift.

Shifts in teachers roles will look like this:

From To (You become the . . .)
Questioner Listener and monitor of the discussion process
Monopolizer of air time Listener and facilitator of equitable participation among all students
Evaluator Advocate for student self-assessment and peer assessment of knowledge and reasoning
Hub or pivot for all classroom talk Encourager of student to student interactions

As these shifts are made, we will need to ensure that students now understand their new role in classroom discussions. Walsh conveys that a shift must take place and to that extent has created the chart for student roles below.

Shifts in students roles will then look like:

From To (Students become the . . .)
Compliant and passive observer Committed and proactive contributor
Respondent to teacher questions Generator of questions
Dependent learner Self directed learner
Isolated and competitive learner Collaborative learner
Receptacle for teacher knowledge Constructor of own understandings

The switch doesn’t happen overnight, it takes work on your part to model and coach the students through this shift in practice. Here are some tips from Walsh for modeling and coaching to put in your toolbox.

  1. Encourage all students to participate in thinking and speaking during a discussion.
  • Reinforce guidelines for equitable participation prior to all discussions.
  • Eliminate hand raising.
  • Ask for a previously non-participating student to build on a classmate’s comment.
  1. Use think alouds to model expectations.
  • Demonstrate use of think times and comment on your silence by saying, “I paused after you stopped speaking because I wanted to offer you the opportunity to add to what you said. I also wanted to reflect on your statement and decide whether I agree and if I could add to it.”
  • Be explicit: “I wanted to build on your thinking by . . .,”; “I have a different perspective that I’d like you to think about: _______.”; “I would like to understand how you reached this conclusion, so I’ll pose a question to examine your thinking.”
  1. Refrain from evaluative feedback.
  • Withhold praise, even when a student makes an “out-of-ballpark” comment. Praise to one student can shut down the thinking of others. Offer positive feedback to student after discussion ends.
  • Pose questions to scaffold student thinking instead of offering corrective feedback.
  • Invite students to consult the text or another source when a comment is based on erroneous information.
  1. Exhibit dispositions that support open and productive discussions.
  • Assume a stance of curiosity and interest.
  • Use nonverbal cues (e.g., eye contact, nodding) to demonstrate active listening.
  • Convey open mindedness by making such statements as, “I’d never thought of the issue from your point of view. Please share with us what makes you say that.”
  • Consult text to verify a statement of find evidence, and share it with students.
  • Demonstrate flexibility in your thinking: “I am going to try out a new way of thinking about this, so please be patient with me as I think aloud and work through this new way of thinking.”

If you are interested in learning more or would like to institute this practice into your classroom, please fill out a coaching request, and we would love to work with you on this journey of improving classroom discussion. 

Works Cited

Walsh, Jackie A., and Beth D. Sattes. Quality Questioning: Research-Based Practice to Engage Every Learner. Corwin, 2017.

Walsh, Jackie A., Improving Classroom Discussion. ASCD 2017

Preventing Winter from Wreaking Havoc in the Classroom

Tis the season….Thoughts of a blustery winter season full of snow and cold may be at the top of everyone’s holiday wishes; just not at the top of those working in education. The winter season brings focus to a couple of matters teachers experience every year. Educators grumble at the thought of their students cooped up inside a warm, cozy classroom all day long. When the temperatures bottom out and children are kept in from the brutal elements, they tend to lose focus and their learning drops like the temperatures outside. If lost learning isn’t enough, when students finally get the opportunity to get outside for some much anticipated exercise, time spent transitioning can limit the necessary instruction time.

Brain Breaks: One of the biggest problems that comes up during the winter chill is dealing with the arctic freeze. Once temperatures hit the low point and students are inside for recess, it is important to get them up and moving. Children, and many adults, need activity to maintain focus. Having PE available is essential, but it is certainly not enough time. On days without PE, students can be sitting for up to 3 hours with little or no breaks.

In a recent article in the Washington Post, Angela Hanscom, a pediatric occupational therapists, states “In order for children to learn, they need to be able to pay attention. In order to pay attention, we need to let them move.”  Movement actually does “turn on” the brain. As detailed below, a 20 minute walk can make a huge difference. 

As teachers, we need to be able to sense when a movement break is needed. As students get ‘squirrely’ it is easy to react as though it is a behavioral issue, when in reality it isn’t. Hanscom notes that “Children naturally start fidgeting in order to get the movement their body so desperately needs and is not getting enough of to ‘turn their brain on’. What happens when the children start fidgeting? We ask them to sit still and pay attention; therefore, their brain goes back to ‘sleep’.”

Brain Breaks are necessary for students to perform at the best of their ability. These short, energy bursts of activity can boost blood flow, send oxygen to the brain, and help children retain information. These “breaks” can be as simple as 5 minutes to stand up, stretch, and even run in place. Or, since we our personalizing our students learning, why not embed it in our lessons. Students know when they need a break. Allowing them to make their own decision on when they need that boost could be the charge they need for the day.

While visiting classrooms it is evident that teachers are beginning to utilize these “breaks” in their daily routine. Most recently, I stumbled upon a classroom studying arctic animals. Students were following a learning path and a part of their “choice” was a movement break. The choices given at various stations were to “pose like their animal”, “move around like their creature”, or “create movement of an animal of their choice”. This mini-break was viewed as a part of student learning and enabled students to regain their focus and successfully complete their task.

There are so many different ways that teachers can incorporate Brain Breaks into their teaching and it allows them to get the most out of our students. Having them sit for so long, especially when indoor recess occurs frequently, is not giving them the opportunity to perform as well as they can. The winter season is upon us- plan ahead and be creative in getting your students up and moving!

Transition Time: Out of nowhere, November hit us with a snowstorm that dropped almost a foot of snow. The storm left us with a snow day and an early “dress rehearsal” full of snow pants, jackets, boots, gloves, and so much more. It left many scrambling to put together a game plan on what to do with all the gear and how to control the chaos come recess time and the end of the day preparations. To many the clutter is already a difficult concept to deal with, but the real tragedy is the amount of instructional time that is lost while  trying to get students organized.

At the beginning of the school year teachers spend countless hours focusing on academic transitions, but why don’t teachers place that same emphasis on getting our students to transition into their winter clothing? It sounds silly, but if you break it down in time, it is startling to realize the loss of instruction due to struggles because we never set guidelines concerning winter clothing. Spending time to address these transitions can cut down on wasted time throughout the winter season.

Typically in an elementary building children tend to spend more than an ample amount of time getting ready to head outdoors. There are times, especially at the primary level, that students may be taking 5-10 minutes to prepare themselves for the winter elements. Whether this lengthy transition is due to the inability to put on winter clothes in a logical order or the fact that maybe students don’t remember where that missing glove went, it is important to get organized during these transitions. Five to ten extra minutes EACH time we take our students outside adds up to approximately 1 ½ hours of instruction weekly. It only gets worse when we go past these minutes. The secret to smooth transitions during this season is modeling and practice.  

  Here are some quick tips to smooth out those winter transitions:

  • Post an Order of Operation (you’d be surprised how many kids think boots and gloves are the first to go on)
  • MODEL the process of how to put winter clothes on
  • Find a convenient place for students to get dressed and ready
  • Have students store their items in a reusable shopping bag (Store hats and gloves/mittens inside the sleeve of student coats)
  • Designate a “Classroom Specialist” to help out others
  • PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE (after about 2 days, students should get it)




Happy Holidays!!!!!